Catalina & Shayne’s first date was at the Hillsborough River State Park so having their engagement session at this location just made sense. Shayne loves the outdoors and he took took us along an educational hike during their session. Did you know Wild Grapes is a thing? Animals love them! There is also such a thing as Wild Coffee along the trails, it’s a glossy little shrub and if eaten… it will give you a burst of energy unlike our normal Starbucks coffee cup (more like a buzz). Shayne saved us all when he quickly spotted poison ivy! I just loved how Catalina just gracefully smiled throughout it all… She can hang though, don’t get me wrong. spiders and mosquitoes were everywhere!
Fun fact… Catalina was one of Limelight’s Interns a few years ago and now we get to be a part of the planning process of her own wedding day! It is such an honor and I cannot wait to see it all come together. They will tie the knot in January at Beso del Sol Resort and we are here for it.
Lead Photographer | Dafne Spencer
Location | Hillsborough River State Park